Hilltop Recreation Reserve

In August 2007, sporting clubs based at Olinda and Kalorama Reserves began meeting with a view to forming an association that could act as a forum for the clubs to work together, share resources, support each other, improve facilities and promote community participation in sport and recreational activities.

Welcome to Hilltop

Hilltop Recreation Association works to create a positive culture for the social aspects of our local sporting clubs, we support and do what we can to help develop healthy life styles, positive sporting culture and participation for everyone. 

We aim to encourage all in our local community to help create a social environment that is safe, positive and supportive. One that we all want to be apart of.

A statement of purposes was developed as part of a constitution that would govern the association and ensure equal representation from all clubs. The association applied to be an Incorporated Association, which was registered in December 2007. On 23 January 2008, HillTop Recreation Association held its inaugural Annual General Meeting where Executive members were elected.
